It's a Secret

" welcome home we miss you so much "
- Mom goat


Seth is one of the protagonists of this comic, who suffers from amnesia, his family does their best to help him although he still does not believe that he belongs to that place.species: God
Title: God of Chaos
Age: 16 years old
skills: He is able to bend his body with ease, and also to change his eyes making them more "friendly"personality: Seth is a somewhat imperactive boy at times and immature, but he always does his best to try to encourage those around him, he likes to meet new people although he is somewhat distrustful at timesLikes: He likes to play with his neighbor, black magic, goats and sheep, human blood, the color yellow
Dislikes: Flowers (he is allergic to flowers), teddy bears, witches, and sitting still

Elis Ellen GoatSant

Elis is the queen of the house, she is in charge of organizing things and making everything work her way, if you are not able to follow her rhythm then you will die in oblivionSpecies: Goat Woman
title: queen heart
Age: ?? (she doesn't say her age so she doesn't feel old, but she is possibly 30-40+ year old)
personality: Elis is a strict woman and always cares about the safety and care of her children, she knows what is best for them and what is not. Sometimes it is difficult for him to trust strangers, but he always acts very kind and charismatic.skills: she is able to create little helpers in the shape of a heart that help her mostly in cleaning the house, she can make her voice sound throughout the houselikes: dogs, red flowers, organizing things, apple tea, sunny and calm days
Dislikes: her ex-husband, rats, rainy days, loud sounds, horror movies

Solgario Sunstar

solgario is seth's older brother, who is always busy being guardian of the sun, so he spends little time with sethSpecies: Angel
Title: Guardian of the Sun
Age: 25 years
Personality: Solgario is a quiet boy who is always absorbed in his thoughts, sometimes it is difficult for him to socialize, that is why he values the friends he has. Sometimes he becomes very shy around people and feels insecure about his physical appearance.abilities: he is able to control the sun, but not the moon, he can move the clouds and give light with the help of his "hair"Likes: cats and dogs, video games, cold days, ghosts, and scary stories
dislike: his insecurities, feeling rejected, the fact that he withdraws from people without realizing it


Murdock is a werecat who always spends his time destroying Rumber's things (mostly influenced by Elis), he is a very aggressive and chaotic cat, it is better that you do not try to get into his territory or familySpecies: werecat
title: evil cat, kitty, bad luck cat
age: 35 years
Personality: Murdock becomes selfish at times, although he is very caring and kind to Elis and Seth, he himself becomes overly attached to Ludovico mainly because he is curious about his past. It is very territorial with other cats and even aggressive, it is very proud to be a black cat and bring misfortune to others.Abilities: He is very good in ground combat, he is fast and is able to regenerate any part of his body, he can use his own hair and saliva to create a ball of living hair and help him.Likes: rats, cat food, games, killing other creatures and demanding respect, playing with the ball of yarn, breaking sofas and destroying everything that has to do with Rumber, fish and rainy days.
Dislikes: Being disrespected, losing his things (he's very clumsy, so he often loses things because of him), Rumber, Goldog, being scared, other cats and dogs.
extra: the "Nevadas" is a reference to Nyen, ranfren character
extra 2: He is a russian werecat and also a former military man, before he was human but he was bitten by a cat and ended up like this, although he does not remember much of his past life


It's a Secret It is a comic made by one person, which is inspired by comics like Ranfren (Randal's friends), Malcomstien and Dying mind comic.This comic will have some gory scenes, but since it's black and white, it might not be as graphic. Topics such as: Religion, obsession and abuse (mainly psychological) may be discussed, discretion is advised.About the comic:
It's a secret is a comic that deals with the adventures of Seth (a boy with amnesia) who wakes up in a world of wonders, from which he doesn't know how he got there, then he will meet Ludovico, another person who also came. into the world and tries to escape from it before the world consumes him. You can also meet other characters like Murdock! The evil werecat (it's a black cat) and, plus Seth's parents, and more!
This comic is for people over 16 years old.

" you are going to die here...
- Seth

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